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Source avlogEC50 ICMM

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marinacmasca's picture
Source avlogEC50 ICMM


In the last version of USETOX, in the input data file for inorganics the source mentioned for avlogEC50 values is ICMM Update 2019. Can you give more information on that source? I could not find anything related to it.

Thank you, Marina

USEtox Team
USEtox Team's picture

The USEtox team had a collaboration with the International Council of Metals and Mining (ICMM), who collected publicly available ecotoxicity data for metals (e.g. from the European REACH database). These data were curated and collected by ICMM, and further evaluated by the USEtox team.

marinacmasca's picture
Thank you USEtox Team for

Thank you USEtox Team for your reply. Is it possible to have access to these data for research purposes?