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USEtox (near-/far-field model 3.0 beta 6c)

Release date: 
30 Sep 2022
This is a corrective release version of the near-field/far-field model version of USEtox, the UNEP/SETAC scientific consensus model for characterizing human toxicological and ecotoxicological impacts of chemical emissions and of chemicals in consumer products.
Content - the download package contains the following files:
USEtox near-field/far-field model (version 3.0 beta 6c), including dedicated user interfaces for chemicals in children toys, in indoor paints, in building materials, and in personal care products (PCPs).
Included data and results are for demonstration purposes only and do not represent formally recommended USEtox factors. Formally recommended USEtox factors based on the near-field/far-field model update will become available in the next stable USEtox release version.
Package icon USEtox_3.0beta6c.zip9.38 MB