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USEtox user manual
The user manual provides basic information needed to understand and apply the USEtox model, i.e. to calculate midpoint characterisation factors for human toxicity and freshwater |
USEtox user interfaces |
What are the USEtox user interfaces and how do they work? Find out more at |
USEtox chemical database manuals
The chemical database manuals include a description of (1) physicochemical properties, (2) toxicological effect data on laboratory animals as a surrogate to humans, and in rare cases effect data on humans, and (3) ecotoxicological effect data for freshwater organisms. |
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SETAC Europe 2020 short course material
A USEtox full-day short course was ginve at SETAC Europe 2020 in Dublin, Ireland with 25 participants from 4 continents working in academy, industry, consulting and policy. |
ILCM 2013 short course material
A USEtox half-day short course was ginve at ILCM 2013 in Bangalore, India with 20 participants from India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Mauritius working in academy, industry, consulting and policy. |
USEtox modeling short course slides
Modeling life cycle impacts of toxics on humans and ecosystems with the USEtox model - one day course at the Technical University of Denmark, 9-Apr-2010. |