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Related Projects

Below, we list projects that are considered relevant for the continuous development and/or dissemination of the USEtox model and where at least one member of the USEtox Team was or is involved as official partner.


Project Duration: 1-Apr-2014 to 31-Mar-2018

Short Description: QUAN-TOX - extending, disseminating, and harmonizing the quantification of human and ecosystem toxicity impacts when assessing the sustainability of products and services over their life cycle (7th Framework Program of the European Commission) is a 4-year project and its main objective is to support the further development and promotion of human and ecotoxicity characterization modeling in comparative assessments of chemical emissions.


Project Duration: 1-Nov-2011 to 31-Oct-2015

Short Description: TOX-TRAIN - implementation of a TOXicity assessment Tool for pRActical evaluation of life-cycle Impacts of techNologies (7th Framework Program of the European Commission) is a 4-year project and its main objective is the development and implementation of a tool box to assess toxicological impacts related to the life-cycle of technologies. 


Project Duration: 1-Nov-2009 to 31-Oct-2013

Short Description: PROSUITE - Development and application of standardized methodology for the PROspective SUstaInability assessment of TEchnologies (7th Framework Program of the European Commission) is a pluridisciplinary EC-supported "integrating project" whose goal is to develop a coherent, scientifically sound, and broadly accepted methodology for the sustainability assessment of current and future technologies over their life cycle, applicable to different stages of maturity. PROSUITE will show how to combine technology forecasting methods with life cycle approaches, and how to develop and possibly combine the three sustainability dimensions in a standardized, comprehensive, and feasible way.


Project Duration: 1-Dec-2009 to 31-May-2013

Short Description: LC-IMPACT - Development and application of environmental Life Cycle Impact assessment Methods for imProved sustAinability Characterisation of Technologies (7th Framework Program of the European Commission) is a 3-year project and its main objective is the development and application of life cycle impact assessment methods, characterisation and normalisation factors. Impact from land use, water use, marine, mineral and fossil resource use, ecotoxicity and human toxicity, and a number of non-toxic emission-related impact categories are considered in LC-IMPACT.


Project Duration: 4-Jan-2001 to 31-Jan-2005

Short Description: Omniitox - Operational Models aNd Information tools for Industrial applications of eco/TOXicological impact assessments (5th Framework Program of the European Commission) was designed as a project in order to tackling the LCIA problems from many sides simultaneously, and together with users creating solutions in order to answer questions, clarify concepts, and ending up with operational models for LCIA of toxicants.