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Lei Huang

Lei Huang
Model framework development, consumer exposure model development and implementation
Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan

Lei Huang is a senior researcher at the Department of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA). Her research mainly addresses a range of topics related to the emissions and impacts of chemicals in the near-field environment that include: (1) development of mathematical models to assess the multi-pathway human exposures from the use of various consumer products; (2) high-throughput screening of exposure potentials and human health risks for chemicals in consumer products, identification of high-concern chemicals/products, and development of databases; and (3) development of methodologies for life cycle assessments and chemical alternatives assessments to integrate near-field chemical exposure and impacts. She developed and implemented the near-field module of USEtox3, including models for assessing the multi-pathway consumer exposures from building materials, toys, paints, food contact materials, personal care products, and direct emissions. She also implemented models for predicting chemical fate in wastewater treatment plant and landfill into USEtox3. In addition, she manages the chemical and product input databases for USEtox3, and develops tools for incorporating new chemicals and products into the databases. She is a reviewer for several scientific journals, and is Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Sustainability.