Olivier Jolliet is full professor in Quantitative Sustainability Assessment at the Technical University of Denmark. He was heading the Impact and Risk Modeling Laboratory (iMod) at the School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (US), developing and applying to emergent technology and contaminants new models and impact assessment methods in (a) multi-media fate and exposure modeling, (b) Physiologically-Based ToxicoKinetic modeling and (c) Sustainability and Life Cycle Impacts Assessment. His research and teaching programs aim to assess environmental risks and impacts of chemicals and of innovative technologies. He co-initiated the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and is the scientific manager of its Life Cycle Impact Assessment program. He is editor and reviewer for several scientific journals, is leading the Exposure Science Expert Sub-Team - International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Risk Assessment in the 21st Century (2010-present), Program Manager for Life Cycle Impact Assessment of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative until 2008, managing the efforts of 80 scientists worldwide, co-chair of USEtox task force since 2006 for the modeling of comparative toxicity (2005-present), member of the Executive Committee of the Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute (2007-2010) and of the External Advisory Board of the Harvard Superfund Program and Tar Creek Project (2006-2008), and he is faculty affiliate at the CIRAIG, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal (2005-present).